A life-like wax figure of Amitabh Bachchan has been unveiled at the newly launched ‘Bollywood Zone’ in Madame Tussauds at Times Square in New York.
Call it the ‘Slumdog’ effect, but visitors to the NY museum will now get a feel of a Bollywood, thanks to the wax replica of the legendary star of Indian movies.
Dressed in a traditional black Sherwani suit with a gold and black scarf draped around his neck, 66-year-old Bachchan’s wax figure is the first to be part of Madame Tussauds New York’s all-new Bollywood Zone, which was created after numerous visitor requests.
The wax figure was unveiled as five Bollywood dancers, dressed in colourful lehenga skirts, performed and taught 20 middle school students traditional Indian dance at the “Bollywood Bash”.
The brightly-coloured, fully-interactive Bollywood Zone at the museum will include a replica of the Taj Mahal, videos of authentic Indian dancers and a photo area where visitors can pose as Bollywood stars, designed to re-create the experience of being on a Bollywood film set with Bachchan.
“Over the coming years, we plan to expand the area to include figures of other prominent Bollywood stars,” Madame Tussauds, New York, said in a press release.
Madame Tussauds London already has wax figures of a number of Bollywood stars including Amitabh and his daughter-in-law Aishwarya Rai .