Priyanka Chopra has filed a complaint with Mumbai police alleging that her former assistant had threatened her in several phone calls, police said Thursday.
Priyanka and her former secretary, Prakash Jaju, are involved in a protracted legal dispute over his contract and payment of fees, said police officer, S. Ingole.
Priyanka’s father has filed similar charges against Jaju in the past, the officer said.
“We have registered a complaint and investigations are going on,” said Ingole. “She said she has been receiving threatening calls and he has used abusive language against her.”
Ingole said police were trying to contact Jaju, but no warrant for his arrest has been issued.
He said both Priyanka and Jaju have filed cases against each other in civil courts regarding the dispute over his contract and fees. Judgment on the litigation is pending.
Police said Jaju began working for Priyanka in 2002 and was sacked within a year for alleged financial irregularities.